Городской Форум


- Process Makes Polymers Truly Plastic, Changing Textures On Demand
- Declines in Caribbean Coral Reefs Pre-Date Damage Resulting from Climate Change
- Getting to the Moon On Drops of Fuel
- New Breed of Electron Interactions in Quantum Systems
- Physicists Identify Room Temperature Quantum Bits in Widely Used Semiconductor
- Exercise Triggers Stem Cells in Muscle
- Road Runoff Spurring Spotted Salamander Evolution
- Abrupt Permafrost Thaw Increases Climate Threat, Experts Say
- Does Antimatter Weigh More, Less or the Same as Matter?
- Researchers Identify Unexpected Player in Intestinal Immunity
- Less Summer Arctic Sea Ice Cover Means Colder, Snowier Winters in Central Europe
- Discovery Uses 'Fracture Putty' to Repair Broken Bone in Days
- Biosolar Breakthrough Promises Cheap, Easy Green Electricity
- Crucial Advances in 'Brain Reading' Demonstrated
- Scientists Prove Plausibility of New Pathway to Life's Chemical Building Blocks
- Big Pest, Small Genome: Two-Spotted Spider Mite Genome Decoded
- New Species of Ancient Crocodile Discovered; 'Sheildcroc' Was Ancestor of Today's Species
- Over 65 Million Years, North American Mammal Evolution Has Tracked With Climate Change
- Planets Smashed Into Dust Near Supermassive Black Holes
- Discovery On How Sugars Are Moved Throughout a Plant
- Underground Heat: Landsat Satellites Track Yellowstone's Geothermal Activity
- Dawn Sees New Surface Features On Giant Asteroid Vesta
- Charge Separation in a Molecule Consisting of Two Identical Atoms: Size Matters
- Predators Drive the Evolution of Poison Dart Frogs' Skin Patterns
- Icarus Experiment Measures Neutrino Speed: Even Neutrinos Are Not Faster Than Light
- 'Lost World' Discovered Around Antarctic Vents
- Remote Wilderness Polluted by Humans
- Giant Asteroid Vesta Likely Cold and Dark Enough for Ice
- Hubble Uncovers Tiny Galaxies Bursting With Starbirth in Early Universe
- Researchers Rewrite Textbook On Location of Brain's Speech Processing Center
- Not Just for the Birds: Human-Made Noise Has Ripple Effects On Plants, Too
- T-Rays Technology Could Help Develop Star Trek-Style Hand-Held Medical Scanners
- Bolivia's Jaguars Set a Record
- A Mitosis Mystery Solved: How Chromosomes Align Perfectly in a Dividing Cell
- Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Converted Into Brain Support Cells
- Planet Population Is Plentiful: Planets Around Stars Are the Rule Rather Than the Exception
- Autism More Common Than Previously Thought: CDC Report Shows One in 54 Boys Identified
- Blood Mystery Solved: Two New Blood Types Identified
- Obese People Regain Weight After Dieting Due to Hormones, Australian Study Finds
- 'Fishy Lawnmowers' Help Save Pacific Corals
- A Small Step for Lungfish, a Big Step for the Evolution of Walking
- Sea Change Can Forecast South American Wildfires
- New 'Smart' Material Could Help Tap Medical Potential of Tissue-Penetrating Light
- Theory of the 'Rotting' Y Chromosome Dealt a Fatal Blow
- Extreme Weather of Last Decade Part of Larger Pattern Linked to Global Warming
- Implanted Biofuel Cell Operating in Living Snail
- Researchers Build Transparent, Super-Stretchy Skin-Like Sensor
- Successful Human Tests for First Wirelessly Controlled Drug-Delivery Chip
- First Evidence of Hunting by Prehistoric People in What Is Now Ohio
- Promising Approach to Preventing Alzheimer's
- World's Smallest Magnetic Data Storage Unit
- Tiny, Implantable Medical Device Can Propel Itself Through Bloodstream
- Chemists Synthesize Artificial Cell Membrane
- Lutetia: A Rare Survivor from the Birth of Earth
- U.S. Rivers and Streams Saturated With Carbon
- Design Rules Will Enable Scientists to Use DNA to Build Nanomaterials With Desired Properties
- Egg-Producing Stem Cells Isolated from Adult Human Ovaries
- Genetic Signatures of Exceptional Longevity
- New Hybrid Technology Could Bring 'Quantum Information Systems'
- Surprise: Protons Bypass Hydrogen Bonds but Still Change Molecules
- Large Solar Flares Generate Geomagnetic Storm
- Engineered Bacteria Effectively Target Tumors, Enabling Tumor Imaging Potential in Mice
- Artificial Thymus Tissue Enables Maturation of Immune Cells
- Astronomers Get Rare Peek at Early Stage of Star Formation
- Solar Storm Seen from Inside and Outside Earth's Magnetosphere
- Massive Volcanoes, Meteorite Impacts Delivered One-Two Death Punch to Dinosaurs
- Solved: Mystery of the Nanoscale Crop Circles
- More Than 7,500-Year-Old Fish Traps Found in Russia
- Hyperactivity in Brain May Explain Multiple Symptoms of Depression
- Magnetic Moon: Magnetic Anomalies On Moon Are Result of Asteroid Collision
- Molecular Graphene Heralds New Era of 'Designer Electrons'
- Evolution of Complexity Recreated Using 'Molecular Time Travel'
- Why Spring Is Blooming Marvelous: Switch That Accelerates Flowering Time Discovered
- World's Smallest Vertebrate: Tiny Frogs Discovered in New Guinea
- How Viruses Evolve, and in Some Cases, Become Deadly
- Signs of Thawing Permafrost Revealed from Space
- New Robots Can Continuously Map Their Environment With Low-Cost Camera
- What Makes a Robot Fish Attractive? Robot Fish Moves to the Head of the School
- Scientists Find Microbes in Lava Tube Living in Conditions Like Those On Mars
- The Power of Estrogen: Male Snakes Attract Other Males
- A Planetary System from the Early Universe
- Many Billions of Rocky Planets in Habitable Zones Around Red Dwarfs in Milky Way
- Ancient Popcorn Discovered in Peru
- Ancient Fossil Remains Reveal Velociraptor's Last Meal
- Fastest Wind from Stellar-Mass Black Hole
- Tailored Optical Material from DNA: Light-Modifying Nanoparticles
- Orientation of Ants: Every Cue Counts
- Wireless Power Could Revolutionize Highway Transportation
- Making Memories Last: Prion-Like Protein Plays Key Role in Storing Long-Term Memories
- Scientists See 'Sloshing' Galaxy Cluster
- Plant-Eating Dinosaur Discovered in Antarctica
- Dreaming Takes the Sting out of Painful Memories, Research Shows
- Smell Is a Symphony: New Model for How the Brain Is Organized to Process Odor Information
- Origins of Antarctica's Ice-Covered Mountains Unraveled
- Hubble Finds Quasars Acting as Gravitational Lenses
- Ancient Seagrass Holds Secrets of the Oldest Living Organism On Earth
- Worm Seeks Worm: Chemical Cues Drive Aggregation in Nematodes
- Castaway Lizards Provide Insight Into Elusive Evolutionary Process, Founder Effects
- Birds Sing Louder Amidst the Noise and Structures of the Urban Jungle
- Earthquake Friction Effect Demonstrated at the Nanoscale
- Erratic, Extreme Day-To-Day Weather Puts Climate Change in New Light
- Paint-On Solar Cells Developed
- Astronomers Pinpoint Launch of 'Bullets' in a Black Hole's Jet
- Scientists Tap the Cognitive Genius of Tots to Make Computers Smarter
- Electricity and Carbon Dioxide Used to Generate Alternative Fuel
- Diabetes May Start in the Intestines, Research Suggests
- Significant Ozone Hole Remains Over Antarctica
- Girls' Verbal Skills Make Them Better at Arithmetic, Study Finds

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Городские новости

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0 59 2013-04-03 20:37:30  Николай
0 10 2013-04-03 20:37:10  Николай
0 16 2013-04-03 20:36:22  Николай
0 9 2013-04-03 20:36:03  Николай
0 18 2013-04-03 20:35:44  Николай
0 8 2013-04-03 20:35:27  Николай
0 10 2013-04-03 20:35:09  Николай
0 18 2013-04-03 20:34:50  Николай
0 16 2013-04-03 20:34:29  Николай
0 16 2013-04-03 20:33:37  Николай
0 11 2013-04-03 20:33:11  Николай
0 17 2013-04-03 20:32:54  Николай
0 16 2013-04-03 20:32:37  Николай
0 38 2013-04-03 20:32:18  Николай
0 11 2013-04-03 20:31:18  Николай
0 17 2013-04-03 20:29:32  Николай
0 25 2013-04-03 20:27:58  Николай
0 16 2013-04-03 20:27:31  Николай
0 19 2013-04-03 20:27:01  Николай
0 8 2013-04-03 20:26:42  Николай
0 21 2013-04-03 20:26:23  Николай
0 8 2013-04-03 20:25:07  Николай
0 17 2013-04-03 20:24:48  Николай
0 11 2013-04-03 20:24:03  Николай

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